Hughes Taylor is an energetic and ambitious blues artist from Macon, Georgia. He is known for his impressive and accomplished guitar playing and unique electric style that infuses traditional blues roots with upbeat and fast-paced blues and classic rock.
Picking up the guitar at the age of 12, Hughes learned his first chords from local music hero B. Keith Williams, who would perform every Tuesday night at a local restaurant/Irish pub called the Shamrock. Whenever he could, Hughes would go to the Shamrock where Williams would draw chord tablatures on bar napkins that Hughes would take home and practice on his father’s hand-me-down Epiphone Les Paul (a guitar Hughes still performs with at every show). Beyond Williams’s chord napkins, Hughes is self-taught, drawing inspiration from blues and classic rock artists and bands such as Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, BB King, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynryd, The Black Keys, and, of course his hometown heroes, the Allman Brother Band.