The Lost Nites is an American band created by critically acclaimed singer-songwriter Chris Cannon. Blending blues, rock, and folk influences into a cohesive and eclectic sound the music references everything from Tin Pan Alley and music standards to swamp blues and country.
A multi-instrumentalist, Cannon writes, performs and records most of the material on his own, occasionally having fellow musicians join him on horns and drums. The lyrics, delivered in Cannon’s gruff and raspy vocals, frequently touch on adversity and misfortune with the press referring to him as “the voice of the down-trodden” after the release of his previous effort, “Model Citizen”. Often compared to singer-songwriters such as Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits or Randy Newman, Cannon has cited a deep appreciation for all kinds of music from early blues, country and Americana to classic rock, cinema scores and soul music.
